Covid-19 Guidelines
LIFT Safety Plan //
WorkSafeBC Inspection Report – May 21, 2020 – Click Here to View
Staff Safety Training Video
All Day Menu Service
Monday to Sunday 11:30am – 10:00pm
All Day menu available
Happy Hour from 3pm – 6pm
Happy Hour items will be marked in red on the All Day menu
Happy Hour will be served throughout the entire restaurant (not just at the bar)
2-3 server will be scheduled for opening at 11:00 am
1-2 bartenders will be scheduled for 11:00am
1-3 server will be scheduled for either 11:30am or 2:00pm on call
1-2 busser will be scheduled for 11:30am or 2:00pm on call
Brunch Service
Saturday to Sunday (except July 1st) 11am – 2:45pm
Brunch menu available
NO Happy hour
NO “online” takeout
NO All Day menu
Walk in or phone take out available for Brunch menu only
NO food served for 15 minutes
Happy Hour 3pm – 6pm
All Day menu 5pm – 10:00pm
2-3 server will be scheduled for opening at 11:00 am
1-2 bartenders will be scheduled for 11:00am
1-3 server will be scheduled for 11:30am on call
1-2 busser will be scheduled for 11:30am on call
Before you Come to Work
1. Only come if you are comfortable to work.
If you feel uncomfortable working contact management at least 2 days before you are scheduled to work.
2. Only come if you are healthy.
Only come to work if you and your “bubble” of friends and family are healthy.
If you or anyone in your “bubble” is sick, put your shift up in Schedule-fly ASAP and call Lift.
3. You will need to sign a one-time disclaimer before your first shift.
This disclaimer will confirm that you understand the Covid-19 protocols.
4. Shower before and after you come to work.
5. Wash your uniform, mask and apron after each shift.
You may want to get more than one set of clothes.
Talk to Claire if you require an additional apron or mask.
Sanitize your server “pouch” if you cannot wash it in the washing machine.
Wash your mask before wearing it for the first time and then continue to wash it after every shift.
6. Do not leave your uniform and shoes at work.
Used uniforms have to be washed.
Additional sets of clean uniforms should remain at your home.
Take your shoes home after each shift.
7. Only wear your uniform, mask and work shoes at work.
DO NOT wear your uniform, mask or work shoes on public transit.
Change in and out of your uniform when you arrive and before you leave work.
8. NO work tool sharing.
Bring and be responsible for your own pen(s), wine crank, bottle openers, note pad, personal bill fold
Either take these items home with you or leave in your locker over night.
Sanitize these items before and after your shift.
When you Arrive at Work
STEP 1: All staff must enter through the back door and go straight up the stairs.
DO NOT go in the kitchen!!
STEP 2: Stop at the Sanitization Table and sanitize your personal items and shoes.
There will be a table at the top of the stairs with alcohol spray and paper towel.
Sanitize your phone, keys, sunglasses, pens, wine crank, bottle openers, wallet, float bag and work tools.
Spray your personal shoes with Lysol spray.
STEP 3: Put on your mask.
Gloves and additional masks will be available on the sanitization table.
STEP 4: Report your current health status in the Wellness Log
Use your own pen.
STEP 5: Temperature Check (TBD)
STEP 6: Change into your uniform
FOH – Changes in the washrooms
BOH – Changes in the staff room
STEP 7: Leave your personal items in your locker (this includes cell phone).
DO NOT leave personal items anywhere other than in your locker (not on the sink, cupboards, racks, floor ect.).
Cell phones are not allowed on the floor.
Floor Plan Rules
1. Maximum of 125 guests present in the restaurant at one time.
There must be no more than 50% of the usual capacity of guests.
2. Maximum of 6 guests of the same party seated at a table.
3. No events held at the establishment that include more than 50 people.
If a large party is booked, we must retain contact information for one member of every party of guests for 30 days in the event that there is a need for contact tracing on the part of the medical health officer.
4. Guests standing at the bar, table or horseshoe bar must be able to maintain 2 meter distance from other guests unless they are in the same party.
5. Guests must be seated in such a way that there are 2 meters between the guests seated at one table and the guests seated at another table, unless they are in the same party.
6. There will be a designated space at each table where the server can interact with the guests called a “SAFE ZONE”.
7. There will be two lines with physical distancing at the entrance.
Reservation Line: For guests who have reservations. Guest will be sent a text message when their table is ready.
Walk-In Line and Take-Out Line: For guests who do not have reservations.
8. Patio doors are to be left open to reduce handle contact.
9. Decals (arrows) will be placed on the floor to facilitate the flow of traffic during busy times.
Hosting Procedures
1. Taking Reservations & Sending Guest Disclaimer
Always recommend that guests make reservations instead of just “dropping in”.
When taking a reservation, you must get an email or phone number where the Guest Disclaimer can be sent to.
Make sure that guest have been sent the Guest
Disclaimer BEFORE their reservation date.
If someone is booking a birthday party, tell them that candles are no longer allowed.
They cannot bring candles with a cake or get a candle on a birthday dessert.
2. Refusal of Service
All staff members have the right to refuse service to anyone that is experiencing symptoms or deemed unhealthy.
If you suspect that someone is unwell, tell a manager.
3. Seating a Table
Step 1: Enter at least one guests name, cell phone number and email into OpenTable and record their table number.
This is for contact tracing purposes.
Step 2: Give verbal disclaimer:
“Are you or any of your guests experiencing any symptoms or feel unwell today? We just want to let you know that if at any time today, our team feels they cannot perform safely, you may be asked to settle your bill and leave.”
Step 3: Ask the guest if they would like a paper menu or if they would like to view the online menu on their phone.
When the guest logs onto WiFi it will link automatically to our website where you can access the menus.
Paper menus are one time use only.
Step 4: Offer hand sanitizer and explain where the washrooms are.
Step 5: If the guest wants the paper menus, bring:
– 1 menu for each person
– 1 drink/wine menu (we will use regular menus here but add a page for cocktails, beer, brunch drinks and whiskey)
The drink/wine menu must be sanitized after each use.
Step 6: When possible you can allow the guest to seat themselves on main floor (not allowed for upstairs patio).
GUESTS CANNOT change their table once they have been seated.
Step 7: Sanitize the drink/wine menu
Servers will throw out the used paper menus.
Servers will bring back the drink/wine booklet menu from the table and place in a designated “used menu box”.
Its is the host’s responsibility to clean the used drink/wine menus.
Server Procedures
1. Stay in the designated “safe zone” at the table when interacting with guests.
The “safe zone” is a designated area for servers to take orders, deliver and pick up food/beverages and process payments.
2. Regular Water Service
Pour water at the bar or elbow station.
Place tray on the table in “safe zone”.
Step back from the table.
Instruct guest to grab a glass of water.
DO NOT refill glasses with a jug.
Make a new tray of water and instruct guest to replace their empty glass with a new one.
You can leave a carafe or jug of water on the table if we have enough supplies.
Do not refill this jug or carafe at the table.
You must bring a new one each time it needs to be refilled.
3. Bottled Water Service
Ask the guest if they would like a lemon or lime.
If yes, use tongs to grab lemon or lime and put directly in each glass.
DO NOT bring one glass filled with lemon/limes for the table.
Place unopened bottle and glasses in the “safe zone”.
Step back from the table.
Instruct guest to grab a glass and pour their own water.
DO NOT refill their glasses.
If they order a second bottle, bring the bottle unopened and place in the “safe zone”.
4. Menus
Customer has the choice to use a disposable paper menu or view the online menu on their phone or device.
Remain in the “safe zone” while customers place orders.
DO NOT touch the guest’s menu until they are finished with them.
DO NOT touch the guest’s phone (to enter the WiFi password or scroll the menu for them).
DO NOT touch the drink/wine menu and then pass it back to the guest.
If clarification is necessary, ask the guest to hold up the menu and point to the item.
Throw used menus into recycling bin or garbage.
5. Ask about condiments
Once the order has been placed, ask the guest if they would like the following (when applicable):
1. Salt and pepper
2. Ketchup
3. Hot Sauce
4. Cream and sugar for tea and coffee
5. Vinegars
6. Wine Service
Upon ordering wine, ask the guest how many wine glasses they will need.
Bring wine glasses to the table and line up in the “safe zone”.
From the “safe zone” present the wine bottle to the guest who ordered it.
DO NOT go around to the table to stand beside the guest who ordered it.
Uncork or and remove cork with napkin.
Twist open screw tops with napkin.
Pour the sample glass and instruct the guest who ordered the wine to grab the glass to try it.
If all good, pour 5 oz into each glass in the “safe zone”.
Step back. Instruct guests to grab a glass.
Leave the wine bottle in the “safe zone” and tell customers that they will be required to pour their refills.
7. Coffee and Tea Service
Ask guest if they will need cream and sugar.
If yes to cream: bring creamer to the table and place in the “safe zone”.
If yes to sugar: place 1 of each sugar packet (3 in total) beside an empty coffee cup on a saucer.
DO NOT bring the sugar packet bowl to the table.
Line up the coffee cups/saucers in the “safe zone”.
Pour a cup of coffee for each guest.
Step back.
Instruct guest to grab their own cup of coffee.
For tea, place the teapot and teacups in the “safe zone” and instruct guest to grab their own pot and cup.
COFFEE REFILL: If guest would like a coffee refill, pour coffee into a teapot, put on small plate with napkin and drop into the “safe zone”.
HOT WATER REFILL FOR TEA: If customer would like to keep their tea bag, instruct them to put the teabag in their cup and place the empty teapot in the “safe zone”.
Put empty teapot in bus bin.
Bring them a new teapot of hot water, and put in “safe zone”.
8. Garnishes
Use tongs to grab garnishes from service container.
Keep lid on the service container.
Bartender will set out pre-made Caesar garnishes.
Bartender will wash the outside of the limes and lemons before cutting them.
9. Set the table
After drink have been delivered bring the following to the table.
Sanitize a tray.
Place a black dinner napkin over tray top and load items onto it.
1. Cutlery roll ups with side plates stacked underneath
2. Salt and pepper (if requested)
3. Sauces & Vinegars (if requested)
* Steak knives will be put directly on the plate.
10. DO NOT hang out around the pass.
Do not stand by the pass.
Only go to pass to place orders, grab mis en place and pick up orders.
11. Delivering food to the table
Place the food in the “safe zone” and tell guest what each dish it.
Step back from the table.
Instruct guests to grab their dish.
Tell guests that when they are finished they can put their cutlery on the plate and move it into the “safe zone” for pickup.
12. Food complaints
Ask guest if they would like a remake or a different meal.
Tell guest that there will be a longer than normal wait time because the dish will need to be remade from scratch.
Instruct guest to place their used cutlery on their plate and put in the “safe zone”.
Place dirty dish in the bus bin.
DO NOT take dirty plate to the pass.
Tell manager and expo the complaint and take the necessary steps to resolve it.
13. Removing dirty dishes from table
Ask guests to place their cutlery on their plates and move into the “safe zone”.
Place all used dishes in the bus bin.
DO NOT go into the kitchen.
DO NOT scrape food scraps off the plate.
FOH will wash their hands at the Up Bar or in the staff room during service.
DO NOT wash your hands behind the bar during service unless you are a bartender.
15. Take Out Boxes
If guest would like to take home unfinished food, bring the take out box to the table and let the guest put the food in it.
Instruct guest to put their empty plate in the “safe zone” when they are done packing their food.
16. Dessert Orders
Memorize and verbally present the dessert options.
If guest asks to see a menu, you can grab a paper one or instruct them to view the menu on their phone.
Place forks, napkins and share plates in the “safe zone” and instruct guest to take them.
17. Birthdays
NO BIRTHDAY CANDLES ALLOWED: guests cannot bring candles and we will not put them on our dessert plates.
Host will tell guests this if they make a birthday party reservation.
Place birthday cake or dessert dish in the “safe zone” NOT in front of the birthday guest.
Place forks, napkins and share plates in the “safe zone” and instruct guest to take them.
18. Card Payments
Deliver check to table and ask if they will be using cash or card today.
If card, tell the guest that we have a tap option.
Bring the hand-held machine to a sanitation station in the dining area.
Sanitize your hands and the machine in front of the guest (this will make them feel more comfortable).
Punch in the transaction.
Place a white napkin on the table in the “safe zone” and put the hand-held machine on top of the napkin.
Instruct guest to keep the handheld on the napkin and to follow the prompts for payment.
When finished, instruct customer to tear off their own receipt and place the handheld back I the safe zone.
If the bill is split.
Keep the machine on the table on top of the napkin while you set up the next transaction.
Repeat the steps above.
When all payments are finished pick up the hand-held.
Bring to a sanitation station in the dining area.
Sanitize your hands and the machine in front of the guest.
Put hand-held back on charger.
20. Cash Payments
Deliver check to table and ask if they will be using cash or card today.
If cash, give guest a moment to organize their money.
Return and ask if the guest requires change.
If yes, ask guest to place money in bill fold and move into the “safe zone”.
Go get change and put into the bill fold.
Put billfold with change into the “safe zone”.
If the bill is split and multiple cash payments.
Ask each guest to put their money into their separate bill fold and place in safe zone.
Put billfold with change into the “safe zone”.
21. Cleaning the Table
1. Use a tray to remove ALL items off of the table
2. Put food and beverage items in the bus bin and glass washer (this includes water jugs)
3. Sanitize non-food and beverage items (candles, salt and pepper shakers, vinegar bottles)
3. Spray the table/bar and chairs/barstools with sanitizer.
4. Wait 30 seconds.
5. Wipe down table/bar and chairs/barstools
6. Leave table empty
22. Children’s Coloring Sheets are available BUT NOT THE CRAYONS!
Tell parents that we can provide coloring sheets, but they will have to supply their own pens or crayons.
23. NO taking photos of guests!
DO NOT touch a guest’s phone, so there will be no photographs of any kind taken by any staff member.
24. NO place mats
Do not use place mats.
25. WASH HANDS before delivering a straw wrapped in a napkin to guest
26. DO NOT open the chop stick paper.
27. During night service, bring a sanitized candle to the table when you make first contact.
The candle will be the first item a server brings to the table.
Monday to Friday 11:30am - 3pm
Saturday and Sunday 11am - 2:30pm
Daily 5pm
Happy Hour
Daily 3pm - 5:30pm
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(604) 689 - 5438
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333 Menchions Mews, Vancouver BC, V6G 3H5
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